Employability Skills

The NEW Manufacturing Alliance, working in partnership with manufacturers and school leaders, created a new employability skills video that features 10 companies sharing 10 soft skills. The skills are part of the DPI’s Youth Apprenticeship Employability Skills certificate. Companies featured are Alliance Laundry Systems, ExacTech, Georgia-Pacific, Green Bay Packaging, Heartland Label Printers, KI, LaForce, Nicolet Plastics, Packer Fastener and Sargento Foods. 
Skills Featured:  integrity, communicates effectively, perform quality work, shows initiative, set personal goals, positive relationships, maintains composure, demonstrates safety, collaborates with others and adapts to change. The Google Drive has lesson plans for each skill taught, along with a PowerPoint that includes additional topic information. 
Special thanks to CESA 8 for writing the teacher lesson plans.

Through the following PowerPoint presentations and supporting attachments, teachers can enhance the employability skills of their students.

KI partners with Denmark High School Students to solve a problem

Example: Company Collaborates with a School – Learn how Denmark High School and KI worked together on a real manufacturer problem.

Communication PowerPoint
 – Tidbits for Success
Paper Fold Activity – Effective Communication Skills

Working as a Team PowerPoint
Lost at Sea – Team Building Exercise
Contributorship Self-Assessment for Team Members

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving PowerPoint