About US

JOIN the NEW Manufacturing Alliance! 


Since 2006, the NEW Manufacturing Alliance has been working with educational institutions, workforce development boards, New North Inc., chambers of commerce, and state organizations to promote manufacturing in the 18-county region that makes up Northeast Wisconsin.


Drive development of a diverse, innovative, and sustainable workforce by promoting an inspiring image of northeast Wisconsin manufacturing to the world.


Every northeast Wisconsin manufacturer can find the talent it needs.

Dear fellow manufacturer,

If you’re like me, finding talent is a challenge that has a significant impact on your company. This is why the NEW Manufacturing Alliance (www.newmfgalliance.org) was formed in 2006 – to change the image of manufacturing and attract talent by working collaboratively with K-16 education, and workforce and economic development.

When the Alliance was formed, I knew manufacturers had to get out and share their stories, including what skills are needed in advanced manufacturing. As a fellow manufacturer, you know our passion for the industry, so who better to share that message than us? That’s why the Alliance is different from other organizations, because it’s for manufacturers, by manufacturers. 

Since the Alliance was formed just over 10 years ago, I’ve seen dramatic results from manufacturers working together to promote manufacturing:

  • 300% increase in manufacturing-related program enrollment at local technical colleges
  • $250,000 in college scholarships supported by Alliance membership
  • Partnering with New North colleges to launch a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering Technology
  • New Media now showing manufacturing careers in a positive light

Your company is invited to join us as we continue to push our K-16 collaboration and regional outreach to even higher levels.


Paul Rauscher, CEO

Founding Member
EMT International

Paul Rauscher, NEWMA Founding Member & CEO of EMT International