If you’re looking to generate business, why not make use of our great resource – your fellow NEWMA members?
The M2M Program acts as a vehicle to promote discounts on goods and services by and for Alliance members. Participation in the program is FREE and exclusive to members. If your business would like to offer savings to other members, fill out the ENROLLMENT FORM below or contact Ann Franz, Alliance Executive Director, for more information.
To redeem savings from other members, check out the M2M Savings Guide on our website.
Member to Member Savings Program Enrollment Form
Disclaimer: All M2M transactions are between the companies participating in the NEWMA Member to Member Savings Program. The NEW Manufacturing Alliance disclaims responsibility for all transactions, including the price, financing terms, delivery arrangements, quality of goods and services, and warranties. In addition, although the NEW Manufacturing Alliance believes the discount information is accurate at the time it is published, vendors may discontinue the discount at any time. Members should verify that the discount is still in place with the vendor prior to making a purchase or entering into a contract.